Noise And Fury (Noise Music Festival June 15-17, 2001)

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Piano, Computer – Lev Gutovsky (tracks: 1 to 4)
Trombone, Computer – Sergey Belov (tracks: 1 to 4)
Turntables, Electronics – Nick Soudnick (tracks: 5 to 45)
Voice – Olga Leonova (tracks: 1 to 4)

“HXA (aka NEW ART ENSEMBLE) from Chelyabinsk was formed in 1987 by Lev Gutovsky, a graduate of Ural State Conservatory. His ensemble was arguably the only professional musical act in the USSR dedicated to creating music for absurdist theatre and postmodernist happening. By the end of the 1990’s, HXA shrunk to a trio of Lev Gutovsky (voice, electronics), Sergey Belov (trombone, electronics) and Olga Leonova (voices) increasingly focused on modern improvised and electro-acoustic music. Lev Gutovsky is currently the sole HXA member. He tends to call his recent researches “electronic disclosure of sound objects” or “free electronic manipulations on the precise dramatic basis”. The artist is responsible for numerous theatrical shows, sound-and-visual installations as well as busking performances which are just about anything that Gutovsky finds entertaining…”
ZGA are Alexander Zhilin, Michail Yudenich, Nick Soudnick, Valeri Dudkin, Екатерина Фёдорова.