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Le Troisième Oeil (1991) – This is the soundtrack to a collaborative experimental film on the body which is part of a series of some thirty films of a similar nature.
Terrae Incognitae, pour bande et 60 chanteurs sprechgesang (1978) – Recorded live at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Caen (Normandie). During its première, an action was taking place in the apse, performed by three officiants using materials such as powders, strings, honey, seaweeds, etc.… At the end, the reactions of the audience somehow extend some vocal formulations of the work itself….
Boomerang, prelude (1979) – This composition was the basis of a performance-scenography in which the acting ones moved among luminous fences and road cones, big standing mattresses and a whole tree hanging upside down.
Cover photograph taken during the première of Terrae Incognitae at the Èglise Notre-Dame de Caen.
Includes bilingual (French/English) 12-page booklet with chronology and stills from films.