Mengerzeile & Grünberger [MATERIAL #2]

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Staalplaat is proud to present another 2 releases in their “material series”, this one by Andreas Berthling and one by Goem. Now what is the “material series”? A series of CD’s with microscopic, microwave, glitch, click or whatever it is called music. All CD’s are packed in jewel cases with no print work. All information is etched on the CD box itself. Inside special material is housed, like, in this case artificial grass and curtain cloth. The CD itself is a so-called AB CD: a small ring with music, and the outside of the CD fully transparent. This is not always a 21 minute or less CD!

Andreas Berthling hails from Stockholm, Sweden but is currently studying at the art academy of Trondheim, Norway. Last year’s debut was a CDR only release 1000/1001 Hz, released on Microwave (and still available). Future releases include remixes of Kim Cascone for Ritornell and Spunk on Rune Grammofon. Furthermore he will have releases on Fallt (an MP3/3″ CDR label) and a full length on Hapna. He plays live music with Rishaug/Marhaug, Ronnie Sundin, M. Rylander and J. Berthling. Occasionally he plays live, such as at the Extrasensory Event in London, early april 2000.

This CD was recorded while in residency in Berlin, from october to december 1999 in a painters-studio in Mengerzeile (a part of Kreuzberg) and in a flat at the Grünberger strasse (Friedrichain). His music is best described as improvisations with instruments and patches made in superCollider, using field recordings from the neighbourhood as sample/audio material.