Die Informationsgesellschaft – Phantom Oder Realität?

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“All structures of society, as we know them from industrial society, have disintegrated. And their carcasses pollute the air.”

The philosopher and media theorist Vilém Flusser (1920-1991) thought and wrote to the rhythm of speech. Hearing him perform was always both: enrichment and pleasure. The present unabridged original sound recording, Flusser’s last lecture in Germany, was made a few days before his death.

As a rule, Vilém Flusser prepared his public lectures in writing in advance in order to then hold them in front of an audience, usually freely – and not infrequently deviating from the manuscript. In order to make this typical work process comprehensible, Flusser’s preparatory manuscript is printed as a reproduction of the original in the accompanying booklet, while the original sound recording of the free lecture is on the CD.
Anyone who has heard Flusser once will read him differently…

(In German language as the title suggests.)