Cupid’s Fist

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‘Shat out at Snacktime in Hoboken with Fred, James, Steve, Tim & Jad’

Cupid’s Fist is exactly the sort of odd record one would (least) expect from a collaboration between Sonic Youth’s Steve Shelley and musically eccentric indie stalwart Jad Fair. The album plays relentlessly with bizarre, country-ish song structures which are more pleasant than, but somewhat similar to, the work of related project Two Dollar Guitar. The strange thing is the largely non-experimental feel of the album, even in its more bizarre moments. Fair lays exceedingly unconventional vocals over traditional songs like “Casey Jones” and “Banks of the River,” and the band manages to sound more like they’re drawing on some unimaginably obscure music style from the past than trying to create a new one. (AllMusic – Nitsuh Abebe)