Chill Out

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The Austrian Sabotage label’s goof on the KLF’s 1993 ambient classic trades that album’s cover art of meadow-lounging sheep for a pack of identically placed wolves in a sort of quasi-political attempt to wake ambient from its incense-and-bean-bag slumber. More than up to this task are, among others, I-F, Panacea, EPY, Bannlust, Christian Fennesz, Alois Huber, David Reeves, and Farmers Manual, all of whom bring one method or another of abrasive electronics abuse to bear on a genre typically (mis)characterized as overly safe and approachable. Not this time, anyway.

Featuring: Airlock, Pomassi, Fmvsjl, DJ Pure, Aube, Panacea, Bannlust, Fennesz, Ryoji Ikeda, Alois Huber, I-f, Epy, Ostralab.