Gift From The Dead

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“Joe Potts started recording strange sound pieces in 1973 in a collaborative group that would later be called Le Forte Four, and is responsible for coining the term Los Angeles Free Music Society. This disc finds him sampling the Grateful Dead to highly experimental effect, but unlike Oswald’s Greyfolded, you may have trouble picking out your favourite parts! “After 20 odd years of very odd sound projects, Joe Potts has finally cleared the edge and in plunging disc-first squarely into the abyss. Gift… has got to be one of the most disquieting releases ever. To begin with, the disc consists of one 46-minute composition generated primarily from a defective CD. And then there’s those orgiastic shrieks from the anonymous vocalist. Finally (just for the sheer pop appeal) throw in some La Monte Young-esque chord extensions. And probably the most bizarre aspect of this CD is that although they have never been fused together in quite this way, all of these elements are ideas that Potts has been exploring for the last two decades.”