Virtual Symphony N°1: Inaudible Silence

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Brannon Hungness is a musician, composer, filmmaker, author, and artist currently residing in Western New York. He started his experimental rock project, Eavesdrop Cosmic, in 2016.
Hungness grew up in rural North Dakota, where he started creating music and art at a very young age. He took guitar lessons from a piano teacher in a nearby town. While he learned to read music, he did not learn proper technique. Instead, he found his own ways of playing the instrument. Soon, he taught himself to play other instruments as well.
By using multiple cassette decks and eventually a 4 track recorder, he began to work with layered arrangements and experimental recording techniques. He put together dozens of self-packaged cassette releases that he would mail to friends he met at summer music camp. Life on the prairie was an experience of isolation, however, it did fuel the young Hungness’s creativity and independent spirit.

1. Distance (With Wires) 22:52
2. The Identity Drips 10:09
3. Immersion 6:37
4. -Electrodesweep+ 11:58
5. Cal+ddd## 4:51