Musica Y Canto Ceremonial Huichol

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Huichol music is very varied. Among the traditional genres include the sounds of xaweri and kanari (rabel and guitarrita), which is always sung with new improvised verses and played with indigenous manufacturing instruments to accompany the dance zapateada.

The repertoire of the mariacheros includes corridos and other popular songs, whose lyrics are sometimes in Huichol, but played with traditional instruments mestiza (violin, guitar, bass). Currently, the most famous is the Blue Venado set New Cologne, Jalisco.

The mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental, north of Jalisco, are inhabited by a mystical and beautiful culture in which constantly enigmatic worlds are created whose recurring characters are moons, suns, trees, labyrinths, spirals, mountains and cosmic oceans that endlessly appear expressed in art, religion and customs of the Huichol.

One of the best known music groups wixarika is “Huichol Musical” were formed as a group in Fresnillo, Zacatecas but most of the members of the original group are New Cologne, Mezquitic municipality, state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Another group is “El Venado Azul” El Venado Azul The group was formed with four members of the Huichol community in the northern highlands of Jalisco. After the disintegration of the original group, Jose Lopez Robles, founder and director of the ensemble decided to relaunch the concept, keeping the original roots of their region, ie the Huichol dialect and the characteristic attire.