Do Not Open

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Live electronic music for “Six And More” musicians, no overdubs

“The basic idea behind the “Six and More” sessions has been, on the one hand, to provide an open platform of cooperation for musicians involved in electronic music in one way or another and, on the other, to create a type of electronic music that can only be realized by a rather special concept. This led to an open-ended series of sessions at which “Six and More” musicians would interact in free collective improvisation and thus create an intricately structured, resourceful. and dynamic sonic space – pure communication by sound – live electronics!
The way sessions are spaced leaves adequate room for the musicians to develop new ideas, styles, and sounds. Also, the project’s participants will vary from session to session, thus continually enriching the music with the personal touch and talent of every new member and lending each session, within the stylistic limits of the project, a character of its own. The musicians’ background covers quite heterogeneous fields of electronic music and of neighbouring musical territories. Thus the participants at the sessions leading to the production of “Do Not Open” represent the following groups: Akwop, Ampersand, Ampzilla’s Delight, Ecco, Das Gelbe, Decks Run Red, Focus Pocus, Négligé-electronic underwear, Schultze & Schmidt, Triangle, Value Stress, Xerophyte.
The first four “Six and More” sessions captured on this CD were held in Munich. In order to provide even greater room for variation in set-up and setting, sessions in other cities are envisaged. Berlin in summer 1992 marked a starting-point of this new tendency. Excerpts from that session will be released on the next Six and More CD in 1995.
Choosing the tracks suitable for release on CD and deciding on the cover design was a group activity enabling every participant to make his/her individual contribution, even at the final stage, towards the success to the CD in your hands.”