SlovoKult :: literARTour :: Berlin 2020
For the second edition of the biennial of contemporary arts :: we are happy to have extraordinary artists again, who express themselves in text/image/sound, which we then bring together in our presentations. This makes the festival interdisciplinary and multimedia ::
https://www.slovokult-literatur .de/index.php/slovokult-literartour-2020/english/content-and-program/
Artistic Director: Elizabeta Lindner
Assistant: Nadia Crocker
Funded by: Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa and Traduki
Special Guests: The Editors of ::
Prolog-Heft für Zeichnung und Text
Dorit Trebeljahr and Anton Schwarzbach (Berlin)
Film Documentation (Berlin): Peter Zach
Poster and leaflet design: Katrin Salentin
Participating artists on the group exhibition: (Berlin) Anton Schwarzbach, Dorit Trebeljahr, Eike Laeuen, Michaela Strumberger, Elizabeta Kostadinovska, from Cologne the Macedonian artist Irena Paskali, from France Aude Carbone, from N. Macedonia Slavica Janešlieva, Zvonimir Žernovski, Ivan Ivanovski, Nina Geštakovska Cvetkovska, Marko Vujisić and curator Dijana Tomik-Radevska.
Some of them will be present (the Berliners plus Irena Paskali, Aude Carbone, Ivan Ivanovski…)
:: 21.12.20 ::
18:00 – Exhibition opening
19:15 – Opening and presentation of the SlovoKult :: literARTour Biennale 2020 – Elizabeta Lindner – and, following, an introduction of the visual artists
19:30 – Talk with the special guests of this year’s edition of the festival: Dorit Trebeljahr and Anton Schwarzbach (approx. 15 minutes)
20:00 – in three separate blocks with short breaks, until roughly 23:00
Short introductions of the authors, multimedia readings/text performances, with: Maroula Blades and Jörg Heinrich (Berlin, Poetry and Sound), Josip Kocev (N. Macedonia), Anja Kümmel (Berlin), Istok Ulčar (N. Macedonia), Faruk Šehić (Bosnia), Marija Grubor (N. Macedonia) – In Memoriam – Liljana Dirjan, (+13.12.2017) –
Sound accompaniment and concert: JD Zazie (Berlin/Florence)
:: 22.12.20 ::
18:00 – doors :: exhibition
19:15 – Excerpts from the Manifesto of the Biennial 2020 and an introduction of the visual artists and the talk guests
19:30 – Talk with directors of outstanding independent artistic and (sub)cultural institutions and projects: Adeline Mannarini (Anagram Books & Staalplaat, Berlin), Marija Stojanova (Art Equilibrium & Bosh Festival, N. Macedonia), Aude Carbone (EpOx et BoTOx éditions, France) Thanos Gogos (Thraka, Larissa, Greece) (approx. 15-20 minutes)
20:00 – in three separate blocks with short breaks, until roughly 23:00
Short introductions of authors with multimedia readings/text performances with: Alexander Graeff(Berlin), Sanja Mihajlovic-Kostadinovska (N. Macedonia), Thanos Gogos (Greece), Marija Dejanović (Croatia), Martin Lau (Berlin/France), – In Memoriam – Sean Bonney (+13.11.19) –
Sound accompaniment and concert: poesi fysik (Uwe Moellhusen and Wolfgang Nick)
:: 23.12.2020 ::
18:00 – doors :: exhibition
19:15 – Excerpts from the Manifesto of the Biennial 2020 and an introduction of the visual artists and the talk guests
19:30 – Talk with selected participants from all fields of art: Uwe Moellhusen, Vladimir Lukaš and Michaela Strumberger (approx. 15-20 minutes)
20:00 – in three separate blocks with short breaks, until roughly 23:00
Short introductions of authors, multimedia readings/text performances with: Aleksandar Kirkovski (N. Macedonia), Ron Winkler (Berlin), Manuela Zlatkova (N. Macedonia), Vladimir Lukaš (N. Macedonia), Crauss(Siegen), Elizabeta Kostadinovska (Berlin/Skopje), – In Memoriam – Gorana Mitrović (+06.09.2017)
Sound accompaniment and concert: CNM (Kathinka)