Saturday, January 21st
doors 7pm, show 7.30pm
Urška Preis, electric harp
https:// rouge-ah.bandcamp.com/album/bare
https:// youtu.be/Ns2P_X-zcDI
Ludwig Wandinger
Laptop, Midi-Controllers and Pedals
https:// www.ludwigwandinger.com/
https:// ginandplatonic.bandcamp.com/album/spiritual-decay
Pablo Ulises Lienhard
Tape Release Show
no-input mixer
https:// pablolienhard.com/no-input-mixer
ODYSSEY is a series of events run by Pablo Ulises Lienhard that started in 2022 in Berlin. It is called „Odyssey“ in reference to the artists second name „Ulises“ but also to play with the idea that every edition can be something different and is allowed to be in a constant state of (re-)searching. The events are taking place irregularly in changing venues and all explore a more or less vague idea or concept.
ODYSSEY #4 is going to be the release show of Pablo Ulises Lienhard’s self-released solo album „Klangkörper“. Klangkörper is an album dedicated to sounding bodies, feedback, resonance, tuning and beatings.
All sounds in Klangkörper were generated by feedback loops through a mixing desk that were diffused and spatialized using various „sounding bodies“, resonating objects and (transducer) speakers giving the sometimes harsh or clean electronic sound some sort of physicality or „body“.
The release show will be embedded between performances by rouge-ah (Urška Preis) on electric harp and Ludwig Wandinger on electronics.
part of CTM Vorspiel 2023