Hypnagogia exhibition by Nez Pez
“Coincidences, mistakes, experimentation & senseless production processes are evidenced across many different printing techniques & original drawings, though the focus falls on the production of original prints through thermal transference, Xerox machine manipulation and hand printing.
Some of the projects traveling in the hypnagogia flix bus are;
> Monotipia of the moon – hand printed traffic signs stolen from construction yards.
> Sunrise/sunset series – a series of mono printed experiments including a roller (?)
> I told you that a thousand times before! – a book of one thousand original images
> Linocut prints of weird creatures
> Zines zines zines
> Screen prints and riso prints showing dystopian imaginary lands, sometimes using leftover tattoo stencil paper and thermal transfer techniques
> and many many other products of dreamy escapism, direct from the desk of the artist
The exhibition opens 17th October. For additional entertainment Neža has invited artist Skip Summers to make a one-off sound performance on the night, channelling some feelings of escapism & surrealism.
As a special event two weeks into the exhibition (date TBC) Nez Pez will make a tattoo studio in the shop & host an evening offering small works.”