Abject Berlin : Winter Solstice Festivity
First set:
Teresa Riemann (drums/voice/fx)
Solo drum madness, intriguing vocals & effects reverberate the stammering I that sits inside his vitreous coffin critically knitting his eyebrows on every move you make, come unstuck in time.
A metaphysical car crash. We have been dead before.
Repetition will be different.
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=41CnEeIR_ZU
http://unterholzwortfetzen.blogsport .de/
Second set:
Laure Boer (monochord/telephone)
Timothée Quost (trumpet/mic/mixer)
Benjamin Whitehill (guitar/electronics)
A trilithon of stoney vibrational forces, flat faces turned towards the midwinter sun
http://laureboer .com
https://youtu .be/06lS_bJrQdU
https://soundcloud.app.goo .gl/84E4MjVioq4daKav8
This is a 2G+ event, bring documentation please and a negative test to be safe.