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Coffee by the window while the snow falls.

cross-legged on my bed, barefoot; no company but the settling birds, the waking moths, & venus glowing softly through my window.



ground floor kitchen window:arythmetic-tic falling rain. Leaves shine with silvery drops. Snails look like precisely composed pieces of shit

So grey. So quiet.

I call seahorses just ëhorses’ and the brown, cloppity ones ëlandhorses’.

White butterfly close to the water, flickering with the light reflecting.

Rinnze kette beebee nnzkrr m¸¸


We filled up the bird feeder & first on the scene were the pigeons, sniffing about our feet for dregs, the disaffected of the Bird world.

ìsilence, and the smallness of things.î

There is poetry in this gesture, buy white toilet paper at Aldi’s, walk home on the line between day and night, autumn leaves all around me.


packing peacefully, listening to music from far away south, voices as of old. Rush hour!! hurry!:train leaves before my eyes.¥one more hour.

The quietness of the big grey. Car engines, dog barking, soft silver light enters the house.

ìWhat Have youdone with My kitenî I said, and The Man from Drugesquad said ìDony worey soney we have released itinto the wiledî

Me and a couple of pigeons waiting for the bus on a quiet Sunday morning. They look at me expectantly.

When my cat snores, it sounds like he’s squeezing an empty turkey baster.


Sunday, silent sunday, the beauty of grey and nothingness, a balance between the day before and the day after. Horns will blow in distance.

I have the key for the lock of my bike: Rinus rides again.The lockmaker charged 17 euro for the operation. In my thoughts the key is golden.

Someone’s whispering about pizza just outside my door.


Ducks cruising together, black, homing in on me, in the dark.

Hundreds of snails jostling each other out of the way in a hurry to get to the rain.

This downcast weather is good; my downcast eyes keep to the task.


Shops will shut at 5pm tonight. Watched a truck take away the burnt cars, they look quite pretty, mottled and grey and crumpled.

Just read ëlooters’ as ëlobsters’.


ìit is unbelievable what a shit we are inî

An armada of helicopters just flew over, followed by almost a full minute of sirensÖ that’s, uh, probably not good, right?


Hot damn my hair is good.

Urban variation to loose your horse and walk the desert. My bicycle is locked, the key is broken, I walk and walk, and feel lonely and lost.

Secret agent nostalgia: Yesterday on my bicycle at Friedrichstrasse, the once corridor between East and West, a taxi door hit my knee, hard.

Just around noon.The first people sit at tables in the bars on Weserstrasse:the taste of ceremonial beers.Snow flakes fall like parachutes.

This morning a christmas tree fell from a window,a four floors flight.Somewhat melancholy,I imagine falling christmas trees all year through


three american girls in icy weserstrasse, one of them with a pink cartoon-piggy like face, ready to scream ìOh my God, Oh my Godî any moment

Snowflakes fall peacefully, with an apropriate view I could sit at my window and stare for hours.Alternatively I’ll write something in Dutch

Small objects live on every surface in my house; they move around while I am away. Has anyone seen a white cassette with four monkeys on it?


Nights are cold now. The olive tree has moved inside.

Why the fuck am I not Swiss?

ìthings to doî is a wonderful concept. I daydream for hours, see all the things done already. This morning a Japanese robot rang my doorbell.


hallucinating after eating 4 giant cola bottles.

Is it normal for a cockerel to crow every 2 minutes all fucking day long?

I really want to go into the kitchen, but I can hear my housemate stabbing a ready meal with a fork, and farting , in there.

When my cat snores, it sounds like he’s squeezing an empty turkey baster.


with thanks to the following authors, from whose twitter feeds all the material in this piece originates:

A L Bladon ‏@BecomingFish
Mr Wowser @wowser
James Lavender ‏@huity
Wil Wheaton @wilw
Rinus van Alebeek ‏@rinusnews
Robert Hope @Robhopesworld
Dumper @dmuper
Vanessa Pelz-Sharpe ‏@sarcastathon
cloud sparrow @ofthesparrows
kurt schwitters @kschwitters
John Kannenberg @JohnKannenberg