Ritual Music For Broken Magick
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This was the first Bitter Harvest CD, released in 1997 on Gaijin records and again in 1998 on Silver Records. It had distribution throughout Europe and the U.S.
“This is not another polite Fourth World record that gets by on soothing ambience and evanescence. There is a dark brooding, almost threatening mood that permeates the record. For Muslimgauze fans and lovers of experimental percussion.” – Richard Moule, Exclaim Magazine.
“What is especially rewarding with this debut release is that it satisfies countless emotions while remaining listenable and constant through rhythm.” – Dave Binette, Indie Nation Mag.
“Electronic washes and drones float through the mix while various percussive elements — hand drums, gongs, bells — build upon each other to produce a magical and hypnotic soundscape. A fine release that rivals the output of such “dark music” labels as World Serpent and Soleilmoon.” – Greg Clow – Chart Magazine.